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  • Oil & Gas Exploration & Production
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  • Oil & Gas Well Drilling
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  • Others
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  • Specialty Contractors
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  • Teaching Hospitals
  • Technology
  • Transportation Services Sector
  • Veterinarians and Animal Hospitals
  • Water & Sewer Utilities
  • Wholesale Sector

Final Touch Blinds & Shutters Claimed


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Step into Final Touch Blinds & Shutters, your go-to blinds shop in Southampton, and discover an array of bespoke window dressing solutions. Our extensive range includes everything from gable and apex window blinds to roof lantern and skylight blinds, designed to enhance any space with style and functionality. We pride ourselves on offering a versatile selection of Plantation Shutters, commercial blinds, and motorised options that cater to the modern homeowner’s needs. Additionally, our collection features sophisticated venetian blinds, cutting-edge electric blinds, and elegant Awnings to elevate the exterior appeal of your property. At Final Touch Blinds & Shutters, we are dedicated to providing high-quality products tailored to your requirements. Whether you’re looking for privacy, light control or simply a fresh aesthetic touch, our expert team is ready to assist you with professional service that ensures satisfaction without compromise on style or quality.

Products/Services we offer:
Gable window blinds, apex window blinds, roof lantern blinds, skylight blinds, Plantation Shutters, commercial blinds, motorised blinds, venetian blinds, electric blinds, Awnings

Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 16:00
Sunday: Closed

Company Address:
Alpha House, Duncan Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire, SO31 1ZS

Our Email: [email protected]


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